MOU: mall of uyanguren

this afternoon, as i was walking around uyanguren on my way to buy supplies, i saw a couple of my age. the guy was sporting a hiphop get-up while the girl was wearing a straight-jacket skimpy shirt and an ultra-mini-skirt.

and while the guys arm was around her waist, the girl asked, “unsa ning lugara dire?” (whats the name of this place?) referring to DCLA, a bargain haven of everything that is china-made. theyve got everything you need, everything you want, and anything you can think of -- and not think of. yup, God created the world, and the rest is made in china.

but even before the guy had the chance to answer...she blurted out, “ahhhh SM!!!”


what?!? since when did Henry Sy erected a mall in the middle of uyanguren???

after the ting sound effects faded in my mind, i immediately looked her way and saw her staring at a sign which says:

KSM Enterprise.


But actually shes got a point. SM may lack some items on their racks but DCLA definitely got it all for you.

1 complaint/s:

Tomas the great said...

SM jud? Hehehe. Perti oi. The shirt looks nice btw.