Apprentice no more...

Because I have a lot of free time in my hands these past few days, I’ve decided to spend it in the kitchen. I want to enhance my skills in baking and have something for my family to munch on. And who would have thought that I would have a lot of fun too, from surfing the net for recipes, to buying stuff in grocery, to baking itself, mixing, folding, beating, sifting, cutting and a whole lot more.

So I'm back in the kitchen again mastering more recipes. And the latest happens to be one of my favorites – Sans Rival. I never thought that its ingredients would just be eggs, sugar, butter and cashew for its staggering price at bakeries and cake shops. I guess its tedious preparation makes it expensive – it takes forever and a lot of effort.

At first I was not that sure about trying it out for we don’t have an electric mixer. But what the heck! If it turned out to be a disaster, guess my family will still eat it. And so I warmed up the oven and my biceps for the heavy task ahead. And it was a heavy task indeed. I beat the egg whites for almost an hour just to make them thick and creamy. But the recipe requires them to be stiff and glossy and unfortunately my muscles cannot tolerate any longer. So I decided to just settle with the thick and creamy instead of the stiff and glossy. The result – a flat Sans Rival. It doesn’t have that much crunch and bite into it. But it still tastes great though. In fact, it did not reach 24 hours for it to be consumed. Till next time! Godspeed!

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